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Saturday, May 25, 2013

I didn't write at all in 2012!!!

I can't believe that I didn't write anything in 2012!!  I had better get busy. :)  I think I will focus on different topics depending on what mood I am in.  I have written about home schooling, and I will continue to do so; but I believe I'll write about other topics, as well.  Perhaps some recipes?  Or maybe just venting? :)  I think I'll vent right now..... Yesterday morning I awoke to sewer backup in the basement.  Talk about a "crappy" start to the day!!! Praise the Lord, it was not an expensive fix, but I did not want to deal with poop in the basement!  Well, as the repairman stated, " At least it's you and your family's poop and not the neighbor's."  I guess that does make it a little better!!  :)  I suppose what I need to remember is that I really do hate when anything goes differently than I have planned, but I need to rely on the Lord at those times.  He is my rock, and I need to praise Him no matter what is going on. 

Wow! Summer vacation is here!

This year was a bit different for us.  My oldest son began high school and went to a school outside of our district.  He ended up doing very well, both academically and socially.  I still home schooled my youngest son and he did a great job.  It was very difficult for me to let go of my oldest son and let him grow up in a different environment.  I had home schooled him throughout his middle school years and we had really developed a special bond.  I miss those days, but it is wonderful to see him spread his wings!  He is involved in the school band, and he really enjoys that!  He didn't have that same opportunity when he home schooled, so I feel blessed that he could join the band after not playing for several years.  I just feel thankful to God for the opportunities He has provided for myself and my family.  He needs to remain central in our lives, and I want to give Him the glory!!