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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer is flying by!

I can't believe that we are almost to the end of June!!  Where is the summer going?  Every summer, I assume that I will have all kinds of time to do the things that I really want to do.  Somehow that is never the case! :)   It seems that I am always so busy with something, and yet I'm not accomplishing the things that I have planned to do.  Oh well, I guess that's just the way it goes. In addition, I always feel like I should be extremely happy and upbeat in the summer, but I usually end up feeling a little on the down side.  I think it's because I see it going by too quickly.  I know I need to just praise God for what He has given me, and be thankful for everything. 
I am very excited for an upcoming trip to Frankenmuth, Michigan at the end of July.  I am going there with my dad and my sister.  We are huge fans of Christmas, so Frankenmuth ( specifically Bronner's) is the perfect place for us!! 
Oh yeah......I turn 40 in about 2 1/2 weeks.  I am not quite as down about it as I keep thinking I will be.  I am in a small state of shock that I will be approaching my "middle years."  Time has gone by so quickly!  I really hope my family is not planning any sort of crazy "over the hill" party.  I believe that I would be a little depressed by that!!
I want to take this opportunity to praise God for all He has blessed me with over the past years.  I have a wonderful husband, two terrific sons, a great family that surrounds me, a loving church family, and so many other blessings.  I know I don't deserve all that God has done for me, but He has blessed me anyway.  I am especially thankful that I have been given salvation by believing that Jesus lived a perfect life, died for the sins of the world ( including mine), was buried and rose three days later.  Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!!